Jumaat, 10 September 2010

US pastor calls off Quran burning - Americas - Al Jazeera English

US pastor calls off Quran burning - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Planned event to burn copies of Muslim holy book on anniversary of September 11 attacks cancelled amid criticism.

A Christian pastor in the US state of Florida has called off plans to burn copies of the Quran, in an event that had been roundly criticised and stoked fears of violence around the globe.

Reverend Terry Jones said on Thursday that he made the decision to cancel the event because the leader of a planned Islamic centre near the so-called Ground Zero site in New York had agreed to move its location.

However sources close to the imam of the planned Islamic centre told the Reuters news agency that he had not agreed to any such deal, and that the centre would not be moved.

"There has been no agreement. There have been no discussions with this pastor," one of the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said.

Jones, the leader of a congregation of about 50 people, had planned to incinerate copies of the Muslim holy book in a bonfire on Saturday to mark the ninth anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington, DC.

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1 ulasan:

  1. Kita terima ujian ini dari Allah semata2....tak perlu kita respond kepada provokasi yang melampau ini...sekiranya kita bertindak ganas..kita dikategorikan terrorist...inilah yang mereka mahukan....contohilah keperibadian Nabi Muhammad yang bersabar walau dalam apa jua keadaan sekali pun....Sesungguhnya Allah itu maha Berkuasa dan Mengetahui dalam melindungi UgamaNya...Insyaallah...Tawwakkal pada NYA....Teruskan kehidupan kita didunia ini dengan keperibadian tinggi dan sunnah Rasul..
