Khamis, 23 September 2010

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder pledges $100 million to N.J. schools

One of America's richest, and youngest, is giving back.
Mark Zuckerberg, founder and chief executive of social networking powerhouse Facebook, is planning on donating $100 million toward improving public schools in the troubled district of Newark, N.J.
According to an official familiar with the agreement, Zuckerberg's donation will be the first installment from a foundation financed by Zuckerberg, and will be focused on bettering education.
With an estimated net worth of $6.9 billion, Zuckerberg ranked 35th on this year's Forbes 400 list of richest Americans -- up from 158th last year.
Cuba bayangkan dan fokus Jika kita punyai perniagaan sebegini rupa bolehkah kita memberi kepada kebajikan sebegini banyak, melatih dan melahirkan usahawan baru dan lain-lain lagi.

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